All classes are taught from a Christian Worldview Perspective.
7th through 12th Grade High School Classes we offer (classes taught will depend upon the need/enrollment):
Christian Classics with Composition (and World History will be taught as background for each Classic)
Beautiful Christian Classics will be covered from a literary and a Biblical Worldview perspective (the best of both worlds!) This class impacts the brain…and the heart! Amazing books that will be covered include Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis, writings of Augustine (wrote devotional words to Christ in a time of great persecution), AW Tozer’s The Pursuit of God (a classic from the 20th Century that really shows the impact the 20th Century had on our life today), Hinds Feet on High Places or Mountain of Spices by Hannah Hurnard (allegories-some may choose the sequel if they have read Hinds Feet already), Stepping Heavenward (Elizabeth Prentiss), Mary Jones and Her Bible (Mary Ropes). Some of the books will be read in their entirety and others will have excerpts shared in class for assignments and lessons, but all will inspire and will count as credit for literature and composition (English) and possibly World History if needed…and what a great way to get that credit!!
American Story: American History and Literature with Composition
Our history in America told through the historical accounts, documents, and pictures coupled with the literature beginning with the Native American voice through more modern works of stage or poetry. What a great way to look at our own American story! We can learn of the history through those who lived it and wrote about it in their journals or works of fiction, and we can learn the story behind the story in literature by understanding the time period of the author’s work.
Literature Classics with Composition and Western Civ
Great classics in Literature that have made impact on our Western Civ world coupled with the history leading to our society today…a perfect picture of how we came to be and sound like who we are and what we say and think today as a society.
Christian Worldview and Apologetics
Through study of Worldview in general and the basic foundation and history of Christianity, students will be ready to give an answer for their faith.
Christian Leadership and Service Class
We will look at Christian leaders throughout the ages, from patriarchs of our faith in the Bible, to classic authors and missionaries in our history, to speeches of more modern leaders who have made impact on our society. Leadership skills will be taught. Leadership quotes will be discussed. We will have our own service projects and presentations as assignments where we apply leadership skills in our sphere of influence today.
Essay Writing, Study and Test Skills Class
This class will teach students the art and skill of studying, taking solid notes, organizing thoughts and material into great essays, test taking strategies, and more to help them succeed now and with higher education and career needs.
Speech, Personal Finance, Government, and Economics are classes we are also working on as well.
Sciences we offer: Biology, Physical Sciences, General Science, Chemistry
Math Labs we offer: Algebra 1 &2, Geometry, Consumer Real World Math
High School Spanish (7th-12th) with Jennifer Manivong
¡Vamos a explorar! Let’s explore! Students will learn vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar while exploring a new Spanish speaking country each month. Spanish students will gain a basic understanding of the language and culture through listening, writing, speaking, and reading comprehension activities. The language will come alive for the students through hands on, engaging, practical lessons!
Topics to be explored for each country: geography, popular foods, holidays, places to see, art, music, sports, weather, and more. Vocabulary to be covered: travel/directions, food, adjectives, around town, sports, holidays, clothing, and shopping. Grammar will be interwoven into lessons and will include the following and more: basic conversations, likes/dislikes, present/past/future tense verbs, direct/indirect object pronouns, ser/estar, adjectives, tener, and ir.
Students will have 3-4 hours of work to complete outside of class. Activities at home will include: updating interactive notebooks, grammar/cultural worksheets, vocabulary/grammar practice online, online listening activities, videos to watch, “Real World” activities like watching movies in Spanish, opportunities to research Spanish speaking artists, musicians, athletes, countries, etc. and more!
Students will need a composition notebook or 3-ring binder for class. It is highly recommended for students to keep their interactive notebooks updated….these will take the place of a traditional textbook. I will send home weekly assignment sheets and any needed handouts.
No previous Spanish experience needed. This class is also perfect for those who want to continue their Spanish journey!
Classes will begin at 9 am.
*Thursday times will vary depending on the number of classes or tutoring sessions the student is taking.
*Students are responsible for purchasing texts, any lab kits required, and/or resources and supplies needed
*$300/yearly tuition per (7th-12th Grade Thursday) class per student (Special Discount: 4 Thursday Classes for $1100/per year per student)
*$50 one time per student per year 7th-12th Grade Thursday classes copy fee
*Grades will be given for assignments submitted and a certificate will be sent home at the end of each semester showing student progress/what was covered.
*Assignments are at parent discretion but are encouraged for the full enrichment of the classes.
*Weekly assignment plans will be sent home with the student. Our goal is not to make a daily schedule for your family but instead to give a syllabus with goals and a weekly suggested assignment plan, and the student will have the opportunity to learn to schedule his/her time and plans to complete assignments each week.
7th through 12th Grade High School Classes we offer (classes taught will depend upon the need/enrollment):
Christian Classics with Composition (and World History will be taught as background for each Classic)
Beautiful Christian Classics will be covered from a literary and a Biblical Worldview perspective (the best of both worlds!) This class impacts the brain…and the heart! Amazing books that will be covered include Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis, writings of Augustine (wrote devotional words to Christ in a time of great persecution), AW Tozer’s The Pursuit of God (a classic from the 20th Century that really shows the impact the 20th Century had on our life today), Hinds Feet on High Places or Mountain of Spices by Hannah Hurnard (allegories-some may choose the sequel if they have read Hinds Feet already), Stepping Heavenward (Elizabeth Prentiss), Mary Jones and Her Bible (Mary Ropes). Some of the books will be read in their entirety and others will have excerpts shared in class for assignments and lessons, but all will inspire and will count as credit for literature and composition (English) and possibly World History if needed…and what a great way to get that credit!!
American Story: American History and Literature with Composition
Our history in America told through the historical accounts, documents, and pictures coupled with the literature beginning with the Native American voice through more modern works of stage or poetry. What a great way to look at our own American story! We can learn of the history through those who lived it and wrote about it in their journals or works of fiction, and we can learn the story behind the story in literature by understanding the time period of the author’s work.
Literature Classics with Composition and Western Civ
Great classics in Literature that have made impact on our Western Civ world coupled with the history leading to our society today…a perfect picture of how we came to be and sound like who we are and what we say and think today as a society.
Christian Worldview and Apologetics
Through study of Worldview in general and the basic foundation and history of Christianity, students will be ready to give an answer for their faith.
Christian Leadership and Service Class
We will look at Christian leaders throughout the ages, from patriarchs of our faith in the Bible, to classic authors and missionaries in our history, to speeches of more modern leaders who have made impact on our society. Leadership skills will be taught. Leadership quotes will be discussed. We will have our own service projects and presentations as assignments where we apply leadership skills in our sphere of influence today.
Essay Writing, Study and Test Skills Class
This class will teach students the art and skill of studying, taking solid notes, organizing thoughts and material into great essays, test taking strategies, and more to help them succeed now and with higher education and career needs.
Speech, Personal Finance, Government, and Economics are classes we are also working on as well.
Sciences we offer: Biology, Physical Sciences, General Science, Chemistry
Math Labs we offer: Algebra 1 &2, Geometry, Consumer Real World Math
High School Spanish (7th-12th) with Jennifer Manivong
¡Vamos a explorar! Let’s explore! Students will learn vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar while exploring a new Spanish speaking country each month. Spanish students will gain a basic understanding of the language and culture through listening, writing, speaking, and reading comprehension activities. The language will come alive for the students through hands on, engaging, practical lessons!
Topics to be explored for each country: geography, popular foods, holidays, places to see, art, music, sports, weather, and more. Vocabulary to be covered: travel/directions, food, adjectives, around town, sports, holidays, clothing, and shopping. Grammar will be interwoven into lessons and will include the following and more: basic conversations, likes/dislikes, present/past/future tense verbs, direct/indirect object pronouns, ser/estar, adjectives, tener, and ir.
Students will have 3-4 hours of work to complete outside of class. Activities at home will include: updating interactive notebooks, grammar/cultural worksheets, vocabulary/grammar practice online, online listening activities, videos to watch, “Real World” activities like watching movies in Spanish, opportunities to research Spanish speaking artists, musicians, athletes, countries, etc. and more!
Students will need a composition notebook or 3-ring binder for class. It is highly recommended for students to keep their interactive notebooks updated….these will take the place of a traditional textbook. I will send home weekly assignment sheets and any needed handouts.
No previous Spanish experience needed. This class is also perfect for those who want to continue their Spanish journey!
Classes will begin at 9 am.
*Thursday times will vary depending on the number of classes or tutoring sessions the student is taking.
*Students are responsible for purchasing texts, any lab kits required, and/or resources and supplies needed
*$300/yearly tuition per (7th-12th Grade Thursday) class per student (Special Discount: 4 Thursday Classes for $1100/per year per student)
*$50 one time per student per year 7th-12th Grade Thursday classes copy fee
*Grades will be given for assignments submitted and a certificate will be sent home at the end of each semester showing student progress/what was covered.
*Assignments are at parent discretion but are encouraged for the full enrichment of the classes.
*Weekly assignment plans will be sent home with the student. Our goal is not to make a daily schedule for your family but instead to give a syllabus with goals and a weekly suggested assignment plan, and the student will have the opportunity to learn to schedule his/her time and plans to complete assignments each week.
Class Location:
LIFE Ministry House 8685 Old Murfreesboro Road, Lebanon TN 37090
Mrs. Rhodes at [email protected] for more information
LIFE Ministry House 8685 Old Murfreesboro Road, Lebanon TN 37090
Mrs. Rhodes at [email protected] for more information