Decades of Change
This will be a very appropriate study for our new school year since the students are excited about the new decade we are entering!
America entered the 19th century as an agricultural nation of 16 states and 5.3 million people. By the end of the century, the nation was an industrial power of 45 states and 76 million people. Europe dealt with the forces of political revolution and the first impact of the Industrial Revolution...lots of reform needed on that front! What an interesting world was shaping up by the end of the 19th Century....Our 2020 class year will be a time to look into the previous 100 years to see what has taken place, how America and the world at large has changed...and how all of these changes have impacted not only our history, but our today, as well our tomorrow.
Just look at the list of inventions from the 1800s…
· The steam engine, the telegraph, the internal combustion engine,
· the electricity/light bulb, photography, telephone, locomotive
Look at the inventions, innovations, and mind-blowing changes of the Decades of the 1900s to Today...
From First Flights to the air travel we have today
From the Model T to vehicles of every type and model on elaborate roadway systems today
From huge computer frames taking up entire rooms to systems and hand-held devices today that create an entire virtual world
From months to days and then to hours of travel worldwide
From face to face combat in the trenches to warfare being tanks by land, submarines and ships by sea, and bombers by air
From posting on walls and street corners to posting online
From Sunday socials to social media
From chatting and bantering in political forums in local town halls to passionately sharing opinions on political forums online
To enjoy and explore this time in history, we will continue our study as we highlight inventions and discoveries in Science as well as focus on Robotics and Entrepreneurship opportunities of today.
This was such a hit in our 2019-2020 school year that we want to continue and even expand our studies along these topics.
Classes for all ages!
We have classes in all subjects & themed studies and units that are whole group each year.
High School "For Credit" & Specialty Class Options:
**Some classes/credit are integrated throughout the week and other classes meet separately
Christian Classics 1, 2
World History and Literature
British History and Literature
American History and Literature
Latin (Latin Roots and Vocabulary)
Western Civ Philosophy
Christian Heritage
Essay and Composition
Christian Character and Leadership
Hebrew Culture and Study
General Science with Lab
Biology with Lab
Marine Biology with Lab
Chemistry with Lab
Physical Science/Physics with Lab
Health and Anatomy with Lab
Government and Economics
Personal Finance
Speech & Debate
Math Lab and Tutoring
(Classes will be added and chosen to meet the needs of the students in any given year and may be combined or integrated throughout the week for credit.)
Decades of Change
This will be a very appropriate study for our new school year since the students are excited about the new decade we are entering!
America entered the 19th century as an agricultural nation of 16 states and 5.3 million people. By the end of the century, the nation was an industrial power of 45 states and 76 million people. Europe dealt with the forces of political revolution and the first impact of the Industrial Revolution...lots of reform needed on that front! What an interesting world was shaping up by the end of the 19th Century....Our 2020 class year will be a time to look into the previous 100 years to see what has taken place, how America and the world at large has changed...and how all of these changes have impacted not only our history, but our today, as well our tomorrow.
Just look at the list of inventions from the 1800s…
· The steam engine, the telegraph, the internal combustion engine,
· the electricity/light bulb, photography, telephone, locomotive
Look at the inventions, innovations, and mind-blowing changes of the Decades of the 1900s to Today...
From First Flights to the air travel we have today
From the Model T to vehicles of every type and model on elaborate roadway systems today
From huge computer frames taking up entire rooms to systems and hand-held devices today that create an entire virtual world
From months to days and then to hours of travel worldwide
From face to face combat in the trenches to warfare being tanks by land, submarines and ships by sea, and bombers by air
From posting on walls and street corners to posting online
From Sunday socials to social media
From chatting and bantering in political forums in local town halls to passionately sharing opinions on political forums online
To enjoy and explore this time in history, we will continue our study as we highlight inventions and discoveries in Science as well as focus on Robotics and Entrepreneurship opportunities of today.
This was such a hit in our 2019-2020 school year that we want to continue and even expand our studies along these topics.
Classes for all ages!
We have classes in all subjects & themed studies and units that are whole group each year.
High School "For Credit" & Specialty Class Options:
**Some classes/credit are integrated throughout the week and other classes meet separately
Christian Classics 1, 2
World History and Literature
British History and Literature
American History and Literature
Latin (Latin Roots and Vocabulary)
Western Civ Philosophy
Christian Heritage
Essay and Composition
Christian Character and Leadership
Hebrew Culture and Study
General Science with Lab
Biology with Lab
Marine Biology with Lab
Chemistry with Lab
Physical Science/Physics with Lab
Health and Anatomy with Lab
Government and Economics
Personal Finance
Speech & Debate
Math Lab and Tutoring
(Classes will be added and chosen to meet the needs of the students in any given year and may be combined or integrated throughout the week for credit.)