CLASS INFO FOR 2018-2019 is being updated.....until we get that online, below is what we are doing now and might give you a glimpse into our style of learning!
K-4th Grade Wednesdays are FunDays for 2017-2018!
Wednesdays are themed days for project and hands-on learning. Drop off and pick up times are 9 AM-1 PM.
FunDays meet every other Wednesday, however opportunities for other Wednesday classes are being planned.
Our History Theme of Biblical World History ALIVE:Ancients through the Renaissance will include great Children's Literature, Language Arts Unit Activities, Math, Social Studies, Creation Science, and Art. Subjects are integrated into our units and theme activities. Activities and lessons will be geared for Kindergarten through 4th Grade. Sometimes “theme days” are associated with preschool, but while the theme day titles may sound silly for fun...the lessons are definitely age-appropriate and will cover the K-4th Grade age span. The stories will be read aloud so that all K-4th can join in, but the ideas presented and the activities to follow will be something for all ages in large group, or will be split into small group break-outs with helpers to complete according to readiness at times. There is a theme for each meeting. The activities are unit study type activities to accompany each theme in class and can be followed up with more study at home.
September- Ancient Israel: Faith and Fathers
October- Ancient Egypt: Pyramids, Pharoahs and Papyrus Paper
November-Ancient Greece: Architecture & Athens VS Sparta
December-Ancient Greece: Oligarchy and Olympics
February- Ancient Rome: Roman Roads and Roman Soldiers
March- Ancient Rome: Life and Leaders
April- Medieval and Renaissance: Knights and Kings
May- FunDay Field Day, Drama, End of Year Picnic
Spanish will be offered this year as well!
FunDays Wednesdays Base Class Tuition: $300/year per student FunDays Supply Fee: $50/Family